Prince Albert II inaugurates the exhibition dedicated to his tri-great-grandfather at the Cantabrian Rock Art Centre Prince Albert I of Monaco in Spain
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Prince Albert II inaugurates the exhibition dedicated to his tri-great-grandfather at the Cantabrian Rock Art Centre Prince Albert I of Monaco in Spain

Published on 26 July 2024 at 10:32 - Modified the 26 July 2024 at 10:35

The brand new Cantabrian Rock Art Centre - CARC - which opened its doors in January 2024, was named by the Spanish authorities after Prince Albert I of Monaco in recognition of the research and studies that the Sovereign carried out in the caves of the Cantabrian region at the beginning of the 20th century.

Located in the municipality of Puente Viesgo, at the foot of the Del Castillo caves and not far from those of Altamira, the Prince Albert 1st of Monaco Cantabrian Cave Art Centre is dedicated to interpreting and explaining the paintings and remains discovered in these caves.

In order to demonstrate the importance of the links between Spain and Monaco in the field of archaeological discoveries in the region, the Embassy of Monaco in Spain has worked with the management of the CARC to create a temporary exhibition dedicated to the work left by Albert 1st in the field of palaeontology and anthropology.

H.S.H. Prince Albert II travelled to Puente Viesgo on 31 May 2024 to inaugurate the exhibition and visit the Centre, which he had seen under construction during his previous visit to the site in October 2022. After unveiling a plaque commemorating his visit, the Sovereign was able to enjoy the ‘Albert 1st Prince of Prehistory’ exhibition and discover the scenography set up at the heart of the RCAF.  At the end of the event, a collaboration agreement was signed between the CARC and Monaco's Museum of Prehistoric Anthropology, continuing the links in this field initiated by Albert 1st with Cantabria in the early 1900s.

The ‘Albert 1st Prince of Prehistory’ exhibition will run until the end of October 2024 at the Centro de Arte Rupestre de Cantabria Principe Alberto I in Monaco.

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