Facts and figures

Population distribution

Monaco has a surface area of 2.02 km².

As at 31 December 2020, it had a population of approximately 38.350, of whom around 9.600 were Monegasque.

As a reminder, this estimate is carried out by Monaco Statistics on the basis of the figures from the latest population census (as at 7 June 2016), adding the natural and migratory balances.

The Census takes place in Monaco every 8 years approximately.


The latest population census in Monaco was conducted in 2016.

294 Spanish nationals were resident in Monaco in 2016, i.e. 1% of foreign residents.

There are 148 different nationalities in the Principality of Monaco.


Number of Spanish nationals230214242270267277250295266256
Of whom Spanish nationals resident in Monaco49474750565251485351
Total private sector employees44544454414660057903575044791949693516015309151008

104 Spanish nationals were registered in the Trade and Industry Directory as at 31 December 2020.

256 Spanish nationals were employed in the private sector as at 31 December 2020.

Economic Cooperation 

Trade with the Principality of Monaco (in millions of euros) for the year 2020

Exports from Monaco to Spain:

  • Ranking: 6th position
  • Amount: 49.7
  • Weighting: 5.4% of total

Imports from Spain:

  • Ranking: 9th position
  • Amount: 32
  • Weighting: 2.3% of total


Spanish tourists in Monaco:

Year 2018

  • Arrivals:  4,661 (1.3% market share-rank 10-total all markets:  354,735)
  • Overnight stays: 10,593 (1.15% market share-rank 14-total all markets:  921,601)

Yeat 2019

  • Arrivals:  5,040 (1.37% market share-rank 10-total all markets:  367,278)
  • Overnight stays: 11,830 (1.3% market share-rank 13-total all markets:  919,803)


French is the official language of Monaco. The national language, Monegasque, is taught in schools until the age of 12 (Year 8). From age 13 (Year 9), Monegasque can be taken as an optional subject. The Principality uses the same educational programmes as France.

Teaching of Monegasque language and Spanish language in secondary schools in 2020

Monegasque language:

  • In the state sector: 12.6%
  • In the private sector: 18.3%

Spanish language:

  • In the state sector: 13,6%
  • In the private sector: 15,2%

This suggests a total of 14.1%, equally, regarding the practice of the Spanish and Monegasque languages.

Monte-Carlo International Circus Festival 

Spain has regularly participated in the Monte-Carlo International Circus Festival since it was first held in 1974.

The Ballets de Monte-Carlo in Spain

The Ballets de Monte-Carlo have toured Spain on several occasions:

  • In 2010: Murcia, Valencia, Pamplona, Bilbao and San Sebastian 
  • In 2001: Madrid 
  • In 2013: Granada 
  • In 2014: Santander, Madrid and Pamplona 
  • In 2017: Madrid (Romeo and Juliet) 
  • In 2018: Barcelona (Le Songe)

The Monte-Carlo Philharmonic Orchestra toured Spain in 2011 (Murcia, Oviedo, Madrid, Valladolid).

The Little Singers of Monaco have also visited Spain a number of times since 1974.